Report on the Effectiveness of the Edwards Aquifer Authority

Author South Central Texas Water Advisory Committee, Naismith Engineering, Inc, Law Office of John J Vay
Year 2010
Description Assessment of the effectiveness of the Edwards Aquifer Authority by the South Central Texas Water Advisory Committee with respect to measures established in 2008
Report Number X: // 8415/2010 Edwards Aquifer Authority/2010 Effectiveness Report
Publisher Naismith Engineering, Inc, and Law Office of John J Vay
Location Edwards Aquifer Authority Jurisdiction
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The South Central Water Advisory Committee (SCTW A C) was established by the Texas Legislature in the Edwards Aquifer Authority (EAA) Act. The SCTW AC represents downstream interests in the Guadalupe, San Antonio and Nueces River Basins and is charged with developing an Effectiveness Report on the Edwards Aquifer Authority every even numbered year and submit the report to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). The Effectiveness Report is required to assess:
1. The effectiveness of the EAA.
2. The effect on downstream water rights by the EAA management of the aquifer.

Specific points that are to be considered in this evaluation include:
• Whether the EAA has functioned as an effective organization;
• Whether the EAA has played a significant role in regional planning activities;
• Whether the EAA has complied with statutory mandates and deadlines provided in the EAA act;
• Whether the EAA has provided for effective protection of water quality in the aquifer and in contributing streams;
• Whether the EAA has achieved its water conservation goals; and
• Whether the EAA has provided effective protection of aquatic and wildlife habitat, endangered and threatened species, in-stream uses and bays and estuaries that depend on the aquifer.

The 2010 Effectiveness Report reviewed the effectiveness measures established in the 2008 report and if the EAA had met the standards established by those measures. The effectiveness measures were divided into the following areas:
• Regulatory Effectiveness Measures
• Research Effectiveness Measures
• Financial Effectiveness Measures
• Planning Effectiveness Measures
• Administrative Effectiveness Measures
• Development of a Comprehensive Public Information Plan

In general the SCTW AC concurs that the EAA met or exceeded the effectiveness measures established in the 2008 report….