Geology and Water Quality at Selected Locations in the San Antonio Area Texas, Progress Report, 1969

Author Reeves RD and Blakey JF
Year 1970
Description Surface geology and water quality monitoring in the San Antonio region in relation to development and most likely sources of pollution. Note: Page-size and large-format plate are at the end of the report.
Report Number USGS O-FR70-272
Publisher US Geological Survey
Location Edwards Aquifer, Balcones Fault Zone, San Antonio Segment
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The Edwards aquifer is the principal source of water supply for the San Antonio area. Increasing urban development on or adjacent to the recharge area of the aquifer is causing great concern because of possible pollution of the ground water. A detailed map of the surface geology has been prepared for areas where the greatest threat of pollution exists. Water-quality data are being collected throughout the San Antonio area to provide background reference information and to detect any current pollution of the ground water in the Edwards and associated limestones.

Mapping of the surface geology will continue in areas where waste waters may be recharging the aquifer. Water-quality data will be collected at additional sites, and some sites will be resampled where pollution may be occurring or where more  background data are needed.