Edwards Underground Water District Drought Management Plan

Author | Edwards Underground Water District |
Year | 1988 |
Description | Trigger conditions and actions to manage the Edwards Aquifer under conditions of drought. Note: This document is included for historical value and may have been replaced by more recent documents, including the Habitat Conservation Plan. |
Publisher | Edwards Underground Water District |
Location | Edwards Aquifer |
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Summary |
[Note: This document is included for historical value and may have been replaced by more recent documents, including the Habitat Conservation Plan.] The Drought Management Plan (DMP) provides objective standards for determining that drought conditions exist, how long they continue and when a drought has ended. These standards also define increasing stages of drought severity. Drought conditions and stages are defined by hydrologic parameters which will be monitored by the District. Reduction goals and demand reduction measures are also established for each stage of drought severity. Upon declaration of a drought, users will be required to initiate demand reduction measures to reduce pumping of the aquifer. Minimum demand reduction measures are defined in this document. Additional measures will be identified in User Drought Management Plans (UDMPs) which the users must prepare pursuant to District rules. The combination of this District Drought Management Plan document and the UDMPs constitute the District’s complete drought management program. |
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