City of San Marcos Surface Water Development Plan / A Report To The Edwards Underground Water District September 27, 1988

Author | City of San Marcos |
Year | 1988 |
Description | Plan by the City of San Marcos, TX to develop surface drinking water options with the City of New Braunfels. Note: this document is included for its historical value and may have been replaced by more recent plans. |
Publisher | City of San Marcos / Edwards Underground Water District |
Location | San Marcos |
Summary |
The City of San Marcos desires to continue its exploration into participation with New Braunfels Utilities surface water treatment plant. The City Council has taken initial steps in this regard by allocating funds to participate in the purchase of a plant site with New Braunfels and to purchase 2.000 acre feet of surface water from Canyon Reservoir. Possible future steps are to conduct a comprehensive feasibility study to include: A. Pro rata share for capital, operational, legal and financing costs in the New Braunfels project. B. Feasibility of this project compared to other potential surface water alternatives. C. Economic impact study, to include impact on development, population growth, rate structure, competitiveness with other communities, and the San Marcos water system. Participation by the Edwards Underground Water District to assist in financing surface water development by the City of San Marcos and New Braunfels will be a critical factor, given the estimated costs of such projects and the impact on long term debt and water rates. The City of San Marcos has long been committed to the preservation and conservation or the Edwards aquifer as demonstrated in the implementation of the City’s Master Plan, through numerous ordinances protecting the aquifer, water supply, and San Marcos River, and through strong support for the Drought Management Plan and Regional Water Resources Plan. The City of San Marcos requests that the EUWD participate in the financing process for surface water development for San Marcos, either at the point at which San Marcos enters into agreement with New Braunfels Utilities in a regional water treatment plant or when San Marcos develops other permanent surface water options. |
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