Displaying Water Resources Planning and Management Related Reports

Title: Comprehensive Water Management Plan Edwards Aquifer Authority
Edward Aquifer Authority’s Comprehensive Water Management Plan as required by Section 1.25 of the Edwards Aquifer Authority Act, for 2000-2030.
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Title: Evaluation of the Availability of Additional Water Supplies from the Edwards Aquifer
Decision analysis of eight strategies for their utility in a possible adjustment of the Edwards Aquifer withdrawal cap
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Title: Draft 30-Year Water Supply Plan
Draft of 30-year water supply plan for 2000-2030 as part of the Authority's Comprehensive Water Management Plan, adapted from the pertinent parts of the South Central Texas Regional Water Plan
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Title: Trans-Texas Water Program West Central Study Area Letter of Intent Analysis
Feasibility and cost analysis for providing surface water to San Antonio from the Guadalupe River. Note: This report is included because of its historical value but has been replaced by more recent plans.
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Title: Trans-Texas Water Program West Central Study Area Public Participation / Stakeholder Involvement Program Final Report
Summary of stakeholder involvement in the 1998 Trans-Texas Water Program West Central Study Area
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Title: Programmatic Assessment: Proposed Rules 31 TAC Chapters 701, 702, 703, 705, 707, 709, 711 – Part 1
Part 1 of report on interviews of stakeholders and analysis of how to implement the Edwards Authority Act
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Title: Programmatic Assessment: Proposed Rules 31 TAC Chapters 701, 702, 703, 705, 707, 709, 711 – Part 2
Part 2 of report on interviews of stakeholders and analysis of how to implement the Edwards Authority Act
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Title: Programmatic Assessment: Proposed Rules 31 TAC Chapters 701, 702, 703, 705, 707, 709, 711 – Part 3
Part 3 of report on interviews of stakeholders and analysis of how to implement the Edwards Authority Act
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Title: Edwards Underground Water District Drought Management Plan
Trigger conditions and actions to manage the Edwards Aquifer under conditions of drought. Note: This document is included for historical value and may have been replaced by more recent documents, including the Habitat Conservation Plan.
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Title: Edwards Underground Water District strategic plan (1994-2004)
Goals and objectives for the Edwards Underground Water District from 1994-2004. Note: This document is included for its historical value and has been replaced by more recent ones.
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Title: Trans-Texas Water Program West Central Study Area Phase I Interim Report Volume 5 / Comments Received from the Advisory Committee for Public and Technical Input
Comments on public input for Phase I of the Trans-Texas Water Plan for West Central Texas
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Title: Preliminary Feasibility Assessment of Edwards Aquifer Saline Water Treatment and Use
Feasibility of desalination from the Edwards Aquifer for public drinking water
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Title: Needs Assessment for Ground-Water Management Model for the Edwards Aquifer (San Antonio Section)
Discussion of needs and limitations in developing a model of the Edwards Aquifer, Balcones Fault Zone, San Antonio Segment Note: This report is included for its historical value but may have been replaced by more recent studies.
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Title: City of San Marcos Surface Water Development Plan / A Report To The Edwards Underground Water District September 27, 1988
Plan by the City of San Marcos, TX to develop surface drinking water options with the City of New Braunfels. Note: this document is included for its historical value and may have been replaced by more recent plans.
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Title: New Braunfels-San Marcos Surface Water Development
Discussion of developing surface water as a supplementary water source for New Braunfels and San Marcos Note: This document is included for its historical value.
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Title: San Antonio Regional Water Resource Study-Summary
Non-technical discussion of various alternatives for ensuring water supply for the greater San Antonio region through 2040, a 60-year horizon. Note: This report is included for its historical value and may have been superseded by more recent studies.
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Title: Edwards Underground Water District Water Conservation Benchmark Study
Study to measure consumers' awareness and actions for water conservation. Note: This report is included for its historical value and may have been replaced by more recent studies.
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Title: Survey Report on Edwards Underground Reservoir Guadalupe, San Antonio and Nueces Rivers and Tributaries, Texas. Volume 2 Appendices I, II, IV, VI
Note: This report is included for its historical value and may have been replaced by more recent studies. Volume 2 (Appendices I, II, IV, VI ) of survey by the US Army Corps of Engineers and the Edwards Underground Water District, emphasizing possible locations for reservoirs and containment systems.
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Title: Regional Water Resources Plan for the Edwards Aquifer
Insight into the joint planning process between the City of San Antonio and the Edwards Underground Water District for preserving quality and quantity of water in the Edwards Aquifer. Note: This report is included for its historical value and may have been replaced by more recent studies.
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Title: Report of the Technical Data Review Panel on the Water Resources of the South Central Texas Region
Assessment and gap analysis of the Edwards Underground Water District Technical Data Review Panel on historical data for water use, water quality, and water supply Note: This report is included for its historical value and may have been replaced by more recent studies.
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Title: New Braunfels-San Marcos Crystal Clear Surface Water Development
Request for funding from the Edwards Underground Water District for a surface water source and treatment plant for New Braunfels, Crystal Clear and San Marcos, TX. Note: This document is included for its historical value.
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Title: North Bexar County Water Resources Study for the Edwards Underground Water District-Executive Summary and Volume I Ground Water
Study of the Upper, Middle, and Lower Trinity aquifers and nearby surface waters as potential sources of fresh water for Northern Bexar County in the future. Notes: This report is included for its historical value and may have been replaced by more recent studies. Page-size version of the plate is at the end of the report. Large-format version of the original plate is 216 MB. Available upon request at info@edwardsaquifer.org
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Title: San Antonio & Guadalupe River Basins Study (Report to US Congress)
Letter to US Congress from directors of various water entities in Central Texas, concerning historical and future use of water and need for Federal funding to ensure adequate supplies. Notes: This report is included for its historical value and may have been replaced by more recent studies. Page-size and large-format plates are at the end of the document.
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Title: Trans-Texas Water Program West Central Study Area Phase I Interim Report Volume 1
Interim Phase I West Central Texas water plan for the Trans-Texas Water Program. Volume 1 contains the Executive Summary, Introduction, and Population, Water Demand and Water Supply Projections for 1990-2050. Note: This study is included for historical value but has been replaced by more recent plans.
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Title: Trans-Texas Water Program West Central Study Area Phase I Interim Report Volume 2
Interim Phase I West Central Texas water plan for the Trans-Texas Water Program. Volume 2 contains Water Supply Alternatives and Evaluations and Appendices A-D. Note: This study is included for historical value but has been replaced by more recent plans.
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Title: Trans-Texas Water Program West Central Study Area Phase I Interim Report Volume 3
Interim Phase I West Central Texas water plan for the Trans-Texas Water Program. Volume 3 contains the continuation of Water Supply Alternatives and Evaluations and Appendices E-I. Note: This study is included for historical value but has been replaced by more recent plans.
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Title: Trans-Texas Water Program West Central Study Area Phase I Interim Report Volume 4
Interim Phase I West Central Texas water plan for the Trans-Texas Water Program. Volume 4 contains the continuation of Water Supply Alternatives and Evaluations and Appendices J and K. Note: This study is included for historical value but has been replaced by more recent plans.
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Title: Trans-Texas Water Program West Central Study Area Technical Memorandum Public Participation Stakeholder Involvement Process Issues Document
Discussion of process for public and stakeholder involvement for the 1998 Trans-Texas Water Program West Central Study Area Phase II Note: This report is included for its possible historical value but has been replaced by the Texas Water Plan.
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Title: Trans-Texas Water Issues Survey Report West Central Study Area
Survey Report of the West Central Texas water plan for the Trans-Texas Water Program. Note: This study is included for historical value but has been replaced by more recent plans.
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Title: Trans-Texas Water Program West Central Study Area Phase II Summary Report of Water Supply Alternatives
Discussion of water supply alternatives for the 1998 Trans-Texas Water Program West Central Study Area Phase II Note: This report is included for its possible historical value but has been replaced by the Texas Water Plan.
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Title: Trans-Texas Water Program West Central Study Area Phase II Guadalupe-San Antonio River Basin Model Modifications & Enhancements
Modifications and enhancements for the Guadalupe-San Antonio River Basin Model (GSA Model) for the Trans-Texas Water Program West Central Study Area Phase II Note: This report is included for its possible historical value but has been replaced by the Texas Water Plan.
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Title: Trans-Texas Water Program West Central Study Area Phase II Updated Evaluation of Potential Reservoirs in the Guadalupe River Basin
Phase II of the West Central Texas water plan for the Trans-Texas Water Program, containing updated evaluations of potential reservoirs in the Guadalupe River Basin. Note: This report is included for its historical value but has been replaced by more recent studies.
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Title: Trans-Texas Water Program West Central Study Area Phase II Population, Water Demand and Water Supply Projections
Projections for population and water demand from 1990-2050 for the 1998 Trans-Texas Water Program West Central Study Area Phase II Note: This report is included for its historical value but has been replaced by more recent studies.
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Title: Trans-Texas Water Program West Central Study Area Phase II Comments
Comments from various government and business stakeholders on different sections of Phase 2 of the 1998 Trans-Texas Water Program West Central Study Area Note: This document was included for historical value but has been replaced by the Texas Water Plan.
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Title: Trans-Texas Water Program West Central Study Area Phase II Edwards Aquifer Recharge Analyses
Compilation of four studies: Report 1 Guadalupe - San Antonio River Basin Recharge Enhancement Study Feasibility Assessment Report 2 Conceptual Evaluation of Springflow Recirculation Report 3 Modification of Principal Spillways at Existing Flood Control Projects for Recharge Enhancement Report 4 Edwards Aquifer Recharge Update Note: This document was included for historical value but has been replaced by the Texas Water Plan.
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Title: San Antonio Regional Water Resource Study
Analysis of regional water needs from 1980-2040. Note: This report is included for its historical value and may have been replaced by more recent studies.
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Title: South Central Texas Regional Water Planning Area 2006 Regional Water Plan Volume I Executive Summary and Regional Water Plan
Volume 1 of the 2006 South Central Texas Regional Water Plan. Note: This report is included for its historical value but has been replaced by the 2011 South Central Texas Regional Water Plan, and ultimately by the Texas Water Plan. Note changes in cover letter.
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Title: South Central Texas Regional Water Planning Area 2011 Regional Water Plan Volume I Executive Summary and Regional Water Plan
Volume 1 of the 2011 South Central Texas Regional Water Plan. Note: This report is included for its historical value but has been replaced by the Texas Water Plan.
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Title: South Central Texas Regional Water Planning Area 2001 Regional Water Plan Volume III Technical Evaluations of Water Supply Options – Part 2
Part 2 of Volume III of three volumes of the 2001 South Central Texas Regional Water Plan. Note: This report is included for its historical value but was replaced by the 2006 South Central Texas Regional Water Plan, the 2011 South Central Texas Regional Water Plan, and eventually by the Texas Water Plan.
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Title: South Central Texas Regional Water Planning Area 2001 Regional Water Plan Volume III Technical Evaluations of Water Supply Options – Part 1
Part 1 of Volume III of three volumes of the 2001 South Central Texas Regional Water Plan. Note: This report is included for its historical value but was replaced by the 2006 South Central Texas Regional Water Plan, the 2011 South Central Texas Regional Water Plan, and eventually by the Texas Water Plan.
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Title: South Central Texas Regional Water Planning Area 2001 Regional Water Plan Volume II Technical Evaluations of Alternative Regional Water Plans
Volume II of three volumes of the 2001 South Central Texas Regional Water Plan. Note: This report is included for its historical value but was replaced by the 2006 South Central Texas Regional Water Plan, the 2011 South Central Texas Regional Water Plan, and eventually by the Texas Water Plan.
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Title: Trans-Texas Water Program West Central Study Area Public Participation / Stakeholder Involvement Plan
Note: This report is included because of its possible historical value. It has been replaced by more recent plans. Plan for involving the public and stakeholders in the planning process for the Trans-Texas Water Program West Central Study Area
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Title: Trans-Texas Water Program West Central Study Area Integrated Resource Planning Committee Final Criteria Report Public Participation / Stakeholder Involvement Process
Note: This report is included because of its possible historical value. It has been replaced by more recent plans. Input of public and stakeholders in the Trans-Texas Water Program West Central Study Area.
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Title: South Central Texas Region 2000 Water Needs Assessment
Note: This report is included for historical value but has been replaced by the Texas Water Plan. Summaries of various sources of water, their costs, and projected needs of each county and jurisdiction by use.
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Title: South Central Texas Regional Water Planning Area 2001 Regional Water Plan Volume I Executive Summary and Regional Water Plan-Part 1
Executive Summary and Water Plan for the 2001 South Central Texas Regional Water Plan – Part 1. Note: This report is included for its historical value but was replaced by the 2006 South Central Texas Regional Water Plan, the 2011 South Central Texas Regional Water Plan, and eventually by the Texas Water Plan.
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Title: South Central Texas Regional Water Planning Area 2001 Regional Water Plan Volume I Executive Summary and Regional Water Plan-Part 2
Executive Summary and Water Plan for the 2001 South Central Texas Regional Water Plan – Part 2. Note: This report is included for its historical value but was replaced by the 2006 South Central Texas Regional Water Plan, the 2011 South Central Texas Regional Water Plan, and eventually by the Texas Water Plan.
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Title: Strategic Plan 2002-2006
Strategic Plan for the Authority in the period 2002-2006, including research plans. Note: This document was included for its historical value and has been superseded by more recent studies.
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Title: Phase I Edwards Underground Water District Storage-Release Recharge Facility Evaluation
Engineering and simulation study to evaluate two potential sites for storage/release reservoirs on the Frio and Dry Frio Rivers. Note: This report is included for its historical value and may have been replaced by more recent studies.
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Title: Survey Report on Edwards Underground Reservoir Guadalupe, San Antonio and Nueces Rivers and Tributaries, Texas. Volume 1 Main Report
Note: This report is included for its historical value and may have been replaced by more recent studies. Volume 1 of survey by the US Army Corps of Engineers and the Edwards Underground Water District, emphasizing possible locations for reservoirs and containment systems.
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Title: Regional Water Supply Planning Study Phase III-Recharge Enhancement-Nueces River Basin
Analysis of nineteen proposed recharge structures for the Nueces River Basin with respect to cost and environmental concerns. Note: This document was included for its historical value but may have been superseded by more recent studies.
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Title: Edwards Aquifer Recharge Enhancement Project Phase IVA Nueces River Basin Final Report
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Title: Regional Water Supply Planning Study – Phase I Nueces River Basin Volume I – Executive Summary
Note: This report is included for its historical value and may have been replaced by more recent studies. Executive Summary of 1991 water supply plan for the Nueces River Basin emphasizing construction of recharge structures (dams and reservoirs)
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Title: Regional Water Supply Planning Study – Phase I Nueces River Basin Volume II – Technical Report
Note: This report is included for its historical value and may have been replaced by more recent studies. Technical study for 1991 water supply plan for the Nueces River Basin emphasizing construction of recharge structures (dams and reservoirs)
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Title: Regional Water Supply Planning Study – Phase I Nueces River Basin Volume III – Appendices
Note: This report is included for its historical value and may have been replaced by more recent studies. Appendices for 1991 water supply plan for the Nueces River Basin emphasizing construction of recharge structures (dams and reservoirs)
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Title: Trans-Texas Water Program West Central Study Area Phase 2 Edwards Aquifer Recharge Analyses
Part of Phase II of the West Central Study Area, Trans-Texas Water Program. Included for historical value; has been replaced by more recent plans.
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Title: Staff report to Board of Directors of the Edwards Underground Water District: Urban Development on the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone
EUWD staff recommendations to the EUWD Board regarding potential cumulative impact of development over the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone
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Title: Universal Passive Samplers and the Aliasing Problem in Groundwater Sampling
AY-68-29-418 (Rio Seco) was selected for this study because it is within the Recharge Zone of the Edwards Aquifer surrounded by urban development, and water samples contain consistent PCE concentrations. AY-68-29-418 was sampled eight times to determine the correlation between PCE concentrations from universal passive samplers and water quality grab samples. EAA field staff exchanged the universal passive samplers every 48 hours, one universal passive sampler for one-hour exposure time, and two universal passive samplers for ten days exposure time. During each retrieval of universal passive samplers, EAA field staff also obtained a grab sample.
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Title: Evaluation of Stormwater Control Techniques and Programs
Note: This report is included for its historical value and may have been replaced by more recent studies.
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Title: Preliminary Draft of Watershed Work Plan for Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Seco Creek Watershed Medina, Bandera and Uvalde Counties, Texas
Preliminary assessment for methods and costs of flood prevention in the Seco Creek Watershed Note: This report is included for its historical value and may have been replaced by more recent studies.
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Title: An Evaluation of the 1997 Edwards Aquifer Irrigation Suspension
Evaluation of Edwards Aquifer Authority’s Irrigation Suspension Program in 1997 and alternatives
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Title: Survey Report on Edwards Underground Reservoir Guadalupe, San Antonio and Nueces Rivers and Tributaries, Texas. Volume 3 Appendix III Geology Appendix V Economic Base Study Appendix VI Recreation and Wildlife
Note: This report is included for its historical value and may have been replaced by more recent studies. Volume 3 (Appendix III Geology Appendix V Economic Base Study Appendix VI Recreation and Wildlife) of survey by the US Army Corps of Engineers and the Edwards Underground Water District, emphasizing possible locations for reservoirs and containment systems.
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Title: Trans-Texas Water Program West Central Study Area Phase II Guadalupe-San Antonio River Basin Environmental Criteria Refinement
Modeling, summary of biological studies, and sensitivity analyses to support refinement of environmental criteria for the Trans-Texas Water Program West Central Study Area Phase II Guadalupe-San Antonio River Basin Note: This report is included for its possible historical value but has been replaced by the Texas Water Plan.
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Title: Executive Summary of Water Availability Study for the Guadalupe and San Antonio River Basins
Note: This paper is included for its historical value but has been replaced by more recent studies. Summary of studies on proposed reservoirs on the Guadalupe and San Antonio Rivers.
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Title: Final report as required by the Endangered Species Program, Texas: grant no. E-38-HP: endangered and threatened species conservation: habitat conservation planning for the development of the Edwards Aquifer Authority habitat conservation plan
Summary of progress on development of the Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) to protect the Comal and San Marcos spring ecosystems and mitigate any incidental take of listed species that would occur as a result of low spring flows, and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for description of the preferred alternative
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Title: Habitat conservation planning for development of the Edwards Aquifer Authority Habitat Conservation Plan: grant no. E-38-HP: grant program, Section 6 habitat conservation plan planning assistance
Summary of progress to 2005 on development of the Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) to protect the Comal and San Marcos spring ecosystems and mitigate any incidental take of listed species that would occur as a result of low spring flows, and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for description of the preferred alternative
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Title: Recharge and Recirculation / Edwards Aquifer Optimization Program Phase III / IV Report Final
Continued and final analyses using improved flow model and recent agency rules for optimizing recharge and streamflow in the Edwards Aquifer
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Title: San Antonio and Bexar County, Texas Report on Reclamation and Re-Use of Municipal Wastewater
Feasibility study on possible uses of reclaimed wastewater in Bexar and Medina Counties and impact on withdrawal from and recharge to the Edwards Aquifer Note: This report is included for its historical value and may have been superseded by more recent studies.
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Title: The Edwards Aquifer Extremely Productive, but…
Semi-technical description of the Edwards aquifer and considerations for its use and preservation for the general public and policy-makers
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Title: Report on the Edwards Aquifer San Antonio Region, Texas
Review of geology, hydrogeology, recharge and pumpage of the Edwards Aquifer, Balcones Fault Zone, San Antonio Segment Note: This report is included for its historical value and may have been replaced by more recent studies.
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Title: Edwards Aquifer Authority Groundwater Management Plan 1998-2008
Groundwater management plan for the Edwards Aquifer Authority for 1998-2008 Note: This report is included for its historical value but has been replaced by a more recent study.
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Title: Evaluation of Alternative Instream and Bay and Estuary Flow Criteria for Run-of-the-River Diversions / Technical Memorandum
Discussion of various concepts for a second generation of environmental flow criteria for the Guadalupe - San Antonio River Basin to be used in the Trans-Texas Water Program
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Title: Optimization Technical Studies in Support of the Edwards Aquifer Optimization Program
Summary of proposed optimization studies for the EAA. Note: Is outdated. Has been replaced by more recent modeling studies and water plans.
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Title: Edwards Underground Water District
General description of the Edwards Aquifer, and the mission and functions of the Edwards Underground Water District. Note: this document has been included for historical value.
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Title: The Edwards Underground Reservoir and the Edwards Underground Water District
General description of the Edwards Aquifer and current concerns and acts of regulatory agencies in 1975. This document is included for its historical value and information may no longer be current.
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Title: Augmenting Groundwater Recharge Through Brush Control: A Feasibility Study—Phase II
This report summarizes the findings of a 5-year (November 2004–December 2009) investigation of the water dynamics at two sites overlying shallow caves within the Camp Bullis facility in northern Bexar County, Texas. The results of the first phase of this study (November 2004–November 2007) were documented in the Phase I report (Wilcox 2008). In this Phase II report, we summarize the results from the entire study period, focusing on rainfall, cave recharge, and the rainfall simulation experiments conducted during Phase II.
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Title: Updates to the MODFLOW Groundwater Model of the San Antonio Segment of the Edwards Aquifer
MODFLOW groundwater model springflow in the Edwards Aquifer Balcones Fault Zone San Antonio Segment and Barton Springs segment
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Title: Re-Conceptualizing the Edwards Aquifer Authority Recharge Program: Staff Recommendations to Optimize and Protect the Edwards Aquifer
Recharge is defined in the EAA Act as: Increasing the supply of water to the aquifer by naturally occurring channels or artificial means. Based on this definition, the EAA recharge program previously consisted of four recharge dams initially sponsored by the EUWD and Medina County Commissioners Court until calendar year 2004, when participation in the regional Precipitation Enhancement Program (PEP) was added to the program.
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