Weather Stations - Edwards Aquifer Authority

Weather Stations

Hover over and click on the yellow location indicator and a pop up window appears with station identification information. Click on See Measurements for the latest conditions and data. The ArcGIS online map is located here.

Predicting Edwards Aquifer Recharge Using Potential Evapo-Transpiration (PET) Values

The EAA, with its partners (including Barton Springs Edwards Aquifer Conservation District, Bandera River Authority and Groundwater District, the Nueces River Authority, Cibolo Nature Center, Bat Conservation International), and private landowners, is developing a network of weather stations in our shared region. Since some water loss is due to evapo-transpiration (ET) after precipitation events, as such, ET is a valuable tool for improving recharge estimates and managing groundwater resources.

This shared network of weather stations collects climatic and soil moisture data that can be applied to calculate ET values at numerous locations throughout the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone and Contributing Zone. These data are collected every 15 minutes, and transmitted hourly through a telemetry network, available to the public through this EAA web page. Parameters collected at the weather stations are:

  1. Air Temperature
  2. Relative Humidity
  3. Barometric Pressure
  4. Precipitation
  5. Solar Radiation
  6. Dew Point
  7. Wind Direction
  8. Wind Speed
  9. Soil Moisture

Climatic data from of the weather stations aids in our understanding of how, when, and where the Aquifer recharges, and may be incorporated into numerical models that are used to support management of the Edwards Aquifer.

The EAA Board Meeting will take place on April 8, 2025 at 1pm.
Please click here for more information.