Diving Classes and Research Programs in Spring Lake - Edwards Aquifer Authority

Diving Classes and Research Programs in Spring Lake

Diving Classes in Spring Lake:

Texas State University provides educational activities with Spring Lake and the San Marcos River in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. The University has designated an area of 2140 square meters as its Dive Training Area in Spring Lake; this area was the site of the underwater show of the Aquarena Springs theme park for over 40 years. The natural and cultural resources in this area have long been disturbed, hence diving activities occurring here will have minimal impact, if any, on listed species. To minimize the impacts of its classes and programs on the habitat in Spring Lake, any individual dicing outside of the Dive Training Area has to complete the Dicing for Science class.

Texas State University seeks incidental take coverage for these educational activities. Current educational activities include the following Covered Activities:

  • Diving for Science Program:
    This program trains volunteers to SCUBA in a manner that protects listed species in Spring Lake. Upon completion, the volunteers help with various projects in the lake, but always under supervision. This program is required for anyone diving outside the Diving Training Area in Spring Lake.
  • Continuing Education SCUBA Classes:
    Texas State University allows the use of the Designated Dive Training Area for a maximum of ten check-out dives by dive shops at the end of each semester for their beginning and advanced SCUBA classes. These divers will not be allowed to dive outside of this area.
  • Texas State University SCUBA Classes:
    Texas State University will offer basic and advanced SCUBA classes with multiple sessions occurring year-round. All of these classes are taught only in the Dive Training Area.

Research Programs:

Research is a primary component of Texas State University’s activities in Spring Lake. All research proposals will be reviewed by the staff of the River Systems Institute to ensure there is no impact on Covered Species or their habitat in Spring Lake. If take cannot be avoided it will be minimized by educating the researchers as to the area where the species are located and measures to minimize any potential impacts. Any diving support to a research study in Spring Lake will be provided by individuals who have completed the Diving for Science Program.

The EAA Board Meeting will take place on March 11, 2025 at 1pm.
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