Applied Research
2024 Final Report
2021 Final Report
2019 Final Reports
- Sessom Creek Sediment Export Study (Texas A&M AgriLife Research, Texas State University)
- Aquatic Plant Boom Assessment in Spring Lake (Meadows Center for Water and Environment – Texas State University)
2017 Final Reports
- Statistical analysis of the Comal Springs and San Marcos Springs Long-Term Monitoring Dataset (BIO-WEST, Inc)
- Statistical analysis of the San Marcos and Comal Springs aquatic ecosystems biomonitoring dataset (Beaver Creek Consulting)
- Distributional Patterns of Aquatic Macrophytes in the San Marcos and Comal Rivers from 2000 to 2015 (Hutchinson and Foote)
- Evaluation of the life history of the Comal Springs riffle beetle from egg to adult (two-year project)
2016 Final Reports
- Evaluation of the life history of the Comal Springs riffle beetle from egg to adult (two-year project)
- Year 1 Report – December 21, 2016
2015 Final Reports
- Suspended sediment impacts on Texas wild-rice & other aquatic plant growth characteristics & aquatic macroinvertebrates
- Comal Springs riffle beetle habitat connectivity
- Ludwigia repens interference plant competition
- Algae and dissolved oxygen dynamics of Landa Lake and the Upper Spring Run
2014 Final Reports
- Fountain darter movement under low-flow conditions in the Comal Springs/River ecosystem
- Effects of low-flow on fountain darter reproductive effort
- Effects of predation on fountain darters
- Determination of limitations on Comal Springs riffle beetle plastron use during low-flow
- Effects of low-flow on riffle beetle survival in laboratory conditions
- Comal Springs riffle beetle occupancy modeling and population estimate within the Comal Springs system
2013 Final Reports
*For this year, one master report was compiled covering all four projects.*