NAS Review Work Groups - Edwards Aquifer Authority

NAS Review Work Groups

Report 2 Review – 2017

*Final Deliverables*

As of the time of posting, this version of the Implementation Plan has not yet been reviewed for possible adoption by the Implementing Committee (IC). The Implementation Plan will be reviewed by the IC at its next meeting on August 17, 2017. An update to this document featuring a letter insert memorializing the IC’s determination will be posted following the August 17 meeting.

Report 2 Implementation Plan

Full-sized Report 2 Implementation Plan Matrix

May 26, 2017

Attachment 1: May 12, 2017 Meeting Notes

Attachment 2: Draft Report 2 Implementation Plan

Attachment 3: Draft Final Applied Research Implementation Matrix

Attachment 4: Draft Final Monitoring Implementation Matrix

Attachment 5: Draft Final Minimization and Mitigation Implementation Matrix

Attachment 6: First Draft Hydro Model Implementation Matrix

Attachment 7: First Draft Eco Model Implementation Matrix


NAS Report 2 Work Group - Second Meeting

May 12, 2017


Attachment 1: Work Group Charge

Attachment 2: Timeline & Strategy

Attachment 3: Operational Guidelines

Attachment 4: Report 2 Workshop Report

Attachment 5: Structure - Report 2 Implementation Plan

Attachment 6: Draft Applied Research Implementation Matrix

Attachment 7: Draft Monitoring Implementation Matrix

Attachment 8: Draft Minimization & Mitigation Implementation Matrix


NAS Report 2 Work Group - First Meeting

Report 1 Review - 2015

Final Report

July 10, 2015


Attachment 1: June 26, 2015 Meeting Minutes

Attachment 2: Hydrologic Modeling Abbreviated Matrix

Attachment 3: Ecological Modeling Abbreviated Matrix

Attachment 4: Biological and Water Quality Monitoring Abbreviated Matrix

Attachment 5: Applied Research Abbreviated Matrix

Attachment 6: Overarching Issues Abbreviated Matrix

Attachment 7: Prioritized NAS Recommendations

Attachment 8: Summary of the Implementation Plan for the NAS Report 1

Attachment 9: Full Draft NAS Report 1 Implementation Matrix- OVERSIZED DOCUMENT

June 26, 2015


Attachment 1: June 5, 2015 Meeting Minutes- REVISED

Attachment 2: Revised Work Group Meeting Schedule

Attachment 3: Revised Biological Monitoring and Water Quality Monitoring Section

Introduction to the NAS RRWG Implementation Report

Attachment 4: Abbreviated Hydrologic Modeling Recommendations Matrix

Attachment 5: Abbreviated Ecological Modeling Recommendations Matrix

Attachment 6: Abbreviated Applied Research Recommendations Matrix

Attachment 7: Recommended Applied Research Studies

June 5, 2015


Attachment 1: Work Group Charge

Attachment 2: Work Group Timeline

Attachment 3: Draft Implementation Plan- OVERSIZED DOCUMENT

Attachment 4: Abbreviated Implementation Plan- Biological and Water Quality Monitoring

The EAA Board Meeting will take place on February 11, 2025 at 1pm.
Please click here for more information.