Administration - Edwards Aquifer Authority


In late 2011, the Edwards Aquifer Recovery Implementation Program (EARIP) to the implementation of the Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) began.  Everything from Habitat Protection Measures to available funding are described in the various chapters of this document. The Funding and Management Agreement (FMA). In developing the FMA, one goal was to maintain the value of a consensus process throughout the implementation of the HCP. Similar to the EARIP process, implementation involves a large audience of stakeholders and scientists that are incorporated through several committees.

These committees are the Implementing CommitteeStakeholder CommitteeScience Committee, and the Science Review Panel. Each of these was created to fill a unique need in the implementation process that is consistent with the goals of the HCP. In addition to these committees, the breadth of the HCP requires a Program Management team. The Program Management staff is housed at the Edwards Aquifer Authority (EAA) where they are responsible for bringing the work of the various committees to fruition.

The EAA Board Meeting will take place on April 8, 2025 at 1pm.
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