Board of Directors - Edwards Aquifer Authority

Board of Directors

The EAA is governed by a 17-member board of directors representing the interests of constituents from across the Edwards Aquifer region. Fifteen directors serve as voting members of the board, elected from single-member districts to four-year terms. Two non-voting directors are appointed to four-year terms—one by the South-Central Texas Water Advisory Committee (SCTWAC) and one by the commissioner’s courts of Medina and Uvalde counties on a rotating basis. The EAA, a member of the Texas Water Development Board Region L Planning Group, also collaborates with other groundwater districts and related stakeholder groups.

The internal affairs of the board are governed by a set of adopted bylaws.

Click here to view all director biographies


  • Rachel Allyn Sanborn


    Hays & Caldwell Counties - District 11

  • Enrique Valdivia


    Bexar County - District 7

  • Byron Miller


    Bexar County - District 2

  • Benjamin Youngblood III


    Bexar County - District 4


  • Carol Patterson


    Bexar County - District 1

  • Abelardo “Abe” A. Salinas, III


    Bexar County - District 3

  • Deborah Carington


    Bexar County - District 6

  • Randall Perkins


    Bexar County - District 5

  • Stuart Hansmann


    Comal County - District 8

  • Matthew Hoyt


    Comal/Guadalupe Counties - District 9

  • Maggie Hutchins-Wagner


    Hays County - District 10

  • Scott Yanta


    Medina County - District 12

  • Russell Persyn


    Medina / Atascosa Counties - District 13

  • Steve Cargil


    Uvalde County - District 14

  • Rader Gilleland


    Uvalde County - District 15

  • Gary Middleton

    SCTWAC Appointed Director

  • J. Carnes

    Appointed Director, Medina County Representative

The chairman of the board of directors appoints members of the board to serve on standing committees to consider and make recommendations to the board concerning the business policies and activities of the EAA. Committee meetings are held in the EAA’s Board Room at 900 East Quincy, San Antonio, Texas 78215.

For meeting details and documents, please visit our meetings page.

The standing committees of the board are as follows:

Executive Committee: Sets the agenda for the board and, when prudent, considers and makes recommendations on issues within the jurisdiction of other committees that are unable to meet or establish a quorum to efficiently and expeditiously transact the business of the EAA. On occasion, the executive committee serves as the legislative committee of the EAA.

Aquifer Management Planning Committee: Considers and makes recommendations on matters relating to the Critical Period Management Plan; new supply sources; implementation of alternative management practices, procedures and methods; other strategies for achieving the mandates of the EAA Act; water quality; and recharge issues.

Finance/Administrative Committee: Is chaired by the treasurer of the board and considers and makes recommendations on matters relating to internal fiscal operations; audit activities; budget; all fees; management policies and oversight; internal organization and oversight; employee policies and benefits; public information; EAA bylaw review; general counsel and other legal services; and meeting procedures.

Permits Committee: Considers and makes recommendations on matters relating to the regulation of Edwards groundwater withdrawal permits and other matters relating to monitoring, reporting and metering of Edwards groundwater use.

Research & Technology Committee: Considers and makes recommendations on matters relating to the collection and development of scientific data; the technological assessment of alternative management practices, procedures and methods; and technical studies.

The chairman of the board of directors may, from time to time, appoint members of the board to serve on ad hoc committees to consider and make recommendations to the board concerning matters of interest to the EAA.

The EAA Board Meeting will take place on April 8, 2025 at 1pm.
Please click here for more information.