Adopted Rules, Title 31, Part 2, Chapter 65, Subchapter G, Threatened and Endangered Nongame Species (31 TAC �65.175) - Edwards Aquifer Authority

Documents & Publications

Adopted Rules, Title 31, Part 2, Chapter 65, Subchapter G, Threatened and Endangered Nongame Species (31 TAC �65.175)

Author: Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD)
Year: 2010
HCP EIS Reference: Texas Register. 2010. Adopted Rules, Title 31, Part 2, Chapter 65, Subchapter G, threatened and endangered nongame species (31 TAC �65.175). Volume 35, No.2: 249�252.
Pages: 6
Citation Name: Texas Register Volume 35, No.2: 249�252
Publisher Report Number: Accessed 09/10/2013
Location: Texas
File: 2010_TPWD_ThreatenedEndangeredNongameSpecies.pdf
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