Changes to Permit - Edwards Aquifer Authority

Changes to Permit

Amending Groundwater Withdrawal Permits

Permit holders may amend the point(s) of withdrawal; purpose of use; place of use; or permittee name of their initial regular or regular permits. Amending the terms of a permit are subject to approval of an Application to Amend by the EAA General Manager. If you have any questions regarding permit amendments, please contact EAA Staff.

Consolidating Permits

To qualify for a permit consolidation (PDF) of two or more initial regular permits (IRPs) or regular permits (RPs), all permits being consolidated must have the same Place of Use, same Purpose of Use, same Point(s) of Withdrawal, and be listed under the same Owner. If not, a separate application to transfer or application to amend the permit must also be completed, approved and processed by the EAA before applying for a permit consolidation. The consolidations are subject to approval of an Application to Consolidate (PDF) by the EAA General Manager. If you have any questions regarding permit consolidations, please contact EAA Staff.

Converting Base Irrigation Groundwater Rights

Irrigation groundwater rights are classified in two subcategories: base irrigation groundwater rights, which are significantly restricted in how they may be transferred and used; and unrestricted irrigation groundwater rights, which are less limited. Base irrigation groundwater rights are restricted for use only on the irrigated land where the water was originally used and authorized and, consequently, these rights must be transferred with the land whenever it is sold. However, base irrigation groundwater may be leased to other users for irrigation purposes for periods of up to 10 years. Unrestricted irrigation groundwater rights, on the other hand, may be transferred (sold or leased) and used elsewhere for other (non-irrigation) purposes within the EAA’s jurisdictional boundaries, except to withdrawal points east of Cibolo Creek (see Cibolo Creek Transfers below). Base irrigation groundwater rights can be converted to unrestricted irrigation groundwater rights under two circumstances: 1) upon the installation of water conservation equipment (PDF) that results in savings of base irrigation groundwater used, and 2) when there is a clear change in land use (PDF) such that it no longer qualifies as agricultural. These conversions are subject to approval of an Application to Convert Base Irrigation Groundwater by the EAA Board of Directors. If you have any questions regarding historically irrigated land or base irrigation groundwater, please contact EAA staff.

The EAA Board Meeting will take place on April 8, 2025 at 1pm.
Please click here for more information.